- Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein
- Date:
- Duration: 1 hr 9 min
The Daf & The Halacha is a Daf Yomi Shiur for approximatley 40 minutes and concludes (approx: 20 minutes) with two Halacha L'maaseh topics which appear on the daily Daf. Daf 2 Gemara and Halacha: 1) Krias Shma--earliest time in the evening. 2) Krias Shma--latest time at night.
Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Judy & Mark Frankel & family in memory of their dear son & brother משה יהודה ז"ל בן מאיר אליהו upon his fifth yahrzeit, and in memory of their dear father מרדכי בן הרב משה יהודה ע"ה
2 comments Leave a Comment
Author: Avraham Apatow
Does the kohen say shema first or eat his trumah first? Why isn't this discussed?
Author: Avraham Apatow
Does the kohen say shema first or eat his trumah first? Why isn't this discussed?