Ten Minute Halacha - The Ethics of Returning Merchandise

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March 16 2015
16min 23s

Series: Ten Minute Halacha

Venue: Yeshivat Lev Shlomo (Woodmere, NY) Yeshivat Lev Shlomo (Woodmere, NY)


Collections: R' Lebowitz Ten Minute Halacha: Choshen Mishpat

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    1. Title: Some questions
      Author: Gershon Dubin

      Excellent topic and excellent shiur 1. Would the issur of geneivas daas apply to a corporation as well as to an individual store owner? 2. It seems to me that buying those shoes or dress for one night with total intent to return it is not (just) geneivas daas but plain ole gezeila. Why is it not? 3. In general, what is your makor for calling an insistence on returning an item beyond the store's return policy "lo sachmod". Is the customer chomeid the storekeeper's (formerly his own) money? Or does he just want to void the sale? Smells a little like a backwards chomos. Thank you

    2. Title: Some questions
      Author: Gershon Dubin

      Excellent topic and excellent shiur 1. Would the issur of geneivas daas apply to a corporation as well as to an individual store owner? 2. It seems to me that buying those shoes or dress for one night with total intent to return it is not (just) geneivas daas but plain ole gezeila. Why is it not? 3. In general, what is your makor for calling an insistence on returning an item beyond the store's return policy "lo sachmod". Is the customer chomeid the storekeeper's (formerly his own) money? Or does he just want to void the sale? Smells a little like a backwards chomos. Thank you

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