- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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The Rambam codifies the requirement to demonstrate our freedom by implementing the Mitzva of HeSeiba Derech Cheirus. Is Heseiba an essential part of the mitzva of Achilas Matza & the Daled Kosos, or is Heseiaba a kiyum unto itself? Would one be required to repeat his Achila and/or Shesiya if he omitted Heseiba? What is the obligated regarding women? What about a student at his Rebby's seder? Or a son or son-in-law? At the seder of a great Torah scholar? How does one perform Heseiba, is it sufficient to lean one's head on a pillow? Must one lean on a bed, couch or the arm of a chair? A difference between the first Kosos and the last? Heseiba throughout the meal? During the berachos? The Mishna Brura seems to contradict himself re: Afikoman.
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