For Bein HaZemanim, and in preparation for the month of Elul, we will study the Rambam Hilchos Teshuva, and offer an introduction to the 3rd Chapter. We will discuss the challenge of overcoming the temptations of the Yetzer HaRah and the ongoing "war" against the enemy powers of the Yetzer in which (hopefully) we are gaining ground & annexing conquered territory and we push the line of confrontation further & further. This is called - in the language of HaRav Dessler - the "point of freedom of choice", i.e נקודת הבחירה. We will study the concept of the בינוני as presented by the sugya in Masechet Berachot 61b (please note: in the shiur we mistakenly mentioned Masechet Yoma). What does it mean that Rava considers himself as a 'beinoni'?
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