- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
For Masechet Bava kamma 35b we analyze the Mishna on the previous Amud: When does Sumchus hezkas Mamon. The Mishna must be analyzed from a different perspective as well. How can the Nizak collect from the Tam based upon the admission of the Mazik, isn't this identical with the case of טענו בחיטין והודה לו בשעורין? Rabba bar Noson opines that in such a case the plaintiff cannot even collect the שעורין! Unless we assume that the Nizak here is uncertain of his claim, i.e. a טענת שמא. But then we cannot appreciate why Sumchus in the רישא would allow the Nizak to collect from the Tam since the Nizak has no solid claim against the Mazik.
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