- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
For Masechet Bava Kamma 50a we continue our study of the debate between Rebby Akiva & R' Yishmael, what is the מחייב of בור, ownership over the Bor, i.e., Bor in one's own private property, or the creation of a Bor in a public domain? According to Rabba all agree to the latter definition & the primary liability for Bor is the public Bor. Whereas R' Akiva adds a 2nd category of Bor, i.e. בור ברשותו, Rebby Yishmael denies the existence of this 2nd category. This for one of two reasons. Then we have Rav Yosef: all agree that בור ברשותו חייב; R' Yishmael adds a 2nd category, i.e., the Bor in the public domain. R' Akiva denies this 2nd category. We will study various Beraisos & work them out acc to all opinions. At the end, some Aggadeta.
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