- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
We will continue the sugya in Bava Kamma 81b regarding the stipulations & enactments of Yehoshua ben Nun for Bnei Yisrael inheriting the Land of Israel. Is there room to be more strict and not rely on the Heter established by Yehoshua? Or is this unjustified haughtiness? Are there only ten enactments? What about cases where one is required by authority of Beis Din to sustain a limited financial loss in order to prevent his friend from a greater financial loss? We will also discuss the case of one who locks a traveler out of his barren field. Is a wayfarer permitted to cut down his friend's vines in order to extricate himself from a vinyard & find his way back to the city? Must we bury the corpse in its spot or move it to the adjacent field
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