- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
For Masechet Bava Kamma 83b-84a we begin the 8th Chapter, Perek HaChovel, and present the 5 categories of payments which the attacker pays to compensate his victim. How are we meant to understand the verse עין תחת עין? Can we take this literally? Does the חובל deserve to lose his limb just as the murderer loses his life and is put to death? The Torah insists that the murderer be denied the option of paying 'ransom' money to save his life. Does the Torah allow the חובל to save his limb by pay a ransom to save his limb? If so, does this mean that the exact amount to be paid should be evaluated in terms of the Chovel's loss - had he been assaulted? Would it make sense to remove the limb of the Chovel & at the same time compel him to pay צער?
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