- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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For Masechet Bava Metzia 4a-b we will continue analyzing the Kal VaChomer of R' Chiya to establish that the testimony of two witnesses to support half of the claim of the plaintiff generates an obligation upon the defendent to take an oath. Failing to establish this deravation from the oaths of הודאת פיו or a single witness, can we derive two witnesses from a צד השוה, combining two forces & deflecting any פירכא? In the latter part of this shiur we will address the issue of הילך, i.e. when the defendant offers payment on half the claim immediately with his admission. In this case it can be argued that thru הילך we are left with a claim on the other half; vis-a-vis the balance, the defendant is a כופר הכל. Who is a הוחזק כפרן?
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