- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
For Bava Metzia 9a-b we will cover three sugyot: 1) one rides the animal & the other leads the animal who acquires the animal? This will lead us to question whether riding an animal is a valid קנין at all since there is no act of משיכה. Only if the rider wraps his legs around the animal and smacks it & leads it is the rider a clear acquirer. 2) the selling of utensils resting on the back of the animal when the animal itself is not being sold. Can the act of moving the animal serve as a קנין on the utensils? If the seller sold both the animal & the utensils can the animal serve as a חצר? 3) the new Mishna & the sugya of מיגו, i.e. can one person serve on behalf of another to acquire an ownership object on his behalf?
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