- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
Our sugya addresses a variety of questionable Simanim: הבא מאליו, מנין, משקל, מידה, חתיכה, עשוי לידרס. Each has a deficiency which might disqualify it. In the case of a בא מאיליו it is quite feasible that the owner himself is unaware of this 'concealed' unusual mark. In other cases, such as weight, quantity, and measurements, the סימן is external rather than inherent in the object. In the case of a Siman that will likely be destroyed, namely, עשוי לידרס, the owner may despair of his ability to successfully identify the object. Another dubious Siman is מקום. Acc to Rashi the finder declares 'I found object x'; the candidate owner tells the finder where he found it. Tos' says the finder names the place & the owner must identify the object.
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