The sugya of Rava in Bava Matzia 28a addresses the issue of 2 claimants on the same lost object & how do we establish a hierarchy of evidence beginning with average סימנים climbing the more reliable and powerful evidence of Simanim מובהקים all the way up to the greatest proof, i.e. עדים. What if the two claimants present the same level evidence? Can we split the lost object into 2? Or must we require that the finder continue to hold on to the find until 1 of the claimants can establish absolute proof? Are Simanim מובהקים as great as witnesses? What is the status of a single witness? What do the witnesses tell us? We will discuss the relative 'weight' of the following Simanim: length, breadth, weight, a hole in the Get. The Mishna of הכרזה.
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