The Mishnayos & Gemoros on Bava Matzia 28b address three Halachik issues re: the Mitzva of returning a lost object. One: what does the finder announce? Should he be vague & general "I found a lost object"? Or should he be specific "I found a Talis:? Two, is every claimant assumed to be trustworthy? Can a known cheat be believed to claim a lost object if he presents a סימן? A סימן מובהק? Or must he bring witnesses? How did the Halacha change when these cheats became prevalent? Three, finding animals that eat & work, or that eat & do not work. At what point is it in the best interest of the owner that the finder sell the animal & save its monies? Can the finder himself buy the animal & set aside its monies? How long must the finder feed it?
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