Although this is a review shiur on the sugya we began two days ago for Masechet Ketuvot 72a on the subject: how do we establish that she lied when she told her husband that the Chochom was מטהר את דמה, we will add many embellishments to the preceding shiur. We will read the Mekoros in the original and we will study the Chelkas Mechokek & the Beis Shmuel in-depth. Can we reconcile the Ramban with the Rashba on the following issue: does the Chochom have special credibility to establish that she falsified the truth & was מכשיל her husband in a severe Issur like Niddah? Or must we accept the testimony of two witnesses in order to disprove her claim? Is there a difference between הפסד הכתובה and טומאה לבעלה? Are these two separate issues?
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