- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 43 min
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How does kedei kelipa differ from kedei netila? Can one eat raw, unsalted meat? Can one cook or broil unsalted meat? Can one offer on the alter, cooked wine, fat, or blood? Can one drink a non-Jew's boiled wine? What are the primary and secondary reasons for needing Jewish wine? How is salting like cooking? How much is absorbed in metal, stainless steel, glass and Pyrex pots? Can one eat neveila that is not edible? Why is a non-Jewish chef believed when he says that he does not taste any meat in the food? In which situations is a gentile believed when speaking off the cuff? Does one need shishim even min b'mino? How does lach b'lach differ from yaveish b'yaveish? Chumash:Va'era- why do we not pray with our palms pointed upwards?
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