- Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz
- Date:
Daf Yomi
Venue: Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere
Gemara: - Duration: 35 min
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Author: Shiur Assistant
<p>One important haarah is that if you use a kli shelishi not only is Rav Moshe lenient but the Mishna Brurah is also! M"B 318:47 quotes the Pri Megadim that we can be lenient about a kli shelishi for bishul after afiya. </p> <p>I checked with Rav Schachter about his position. A few weeks ago when I asked he thought that the roasted kernels can be batel to the rest which is already cooked. When I asked him about the Avnei Nezer he said he wasn't sure. After asking him again today the conclusion was again inconclusive since the idea of the Avnei Nezer why there's no bitul isn't compelling but neither is Rav Shlomo Kluger's explanation of Tosfot bechorot 23a. He said that he wasn't ready to be lenient based on Rav Soloveitchik's opinion of kalei habishul in a kli sheni. </p>