- Rabbi Tanchum Cohen
- Date:
Daily Shiur
Venue: YU High School for Boys
Halacha:Machshava:Mishna:Personalities: - Duration: 1 hr 14 min
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4 comments Leave a Comment
Author: Yitzchak Falk
According to the position of Rashi and Tosafot, in which a village shul is obligated a mezuzah and a city shul is not obligated because of viewing the ownership of the village shul as a partnership rather than corporate ownership, would a contemporary urban American shul that is clearly owned by the members of the shul, yet serves people far beyond that membership, be obligated like a village shul or exempt like the city shul?
Author: Yitzchak Falk
According to the position of Rashi and Tosafot, in which a village shul is obligated a mezuzah and a city shul is not obligated because of viewing the ownership of the village shul as a partnership rather than corporate ownership, would a contemporary urban American shul that is clearly owned by the members of the shul, yet serves people far beyond that membership, be obligated like a village shul or exempt like the city shul?
Author: Teacher Reply
Thanks for reaching out! Nowadays, even city shuls typically have a defined membership and therefore can be characterized as having ×‘×¢×œ×™× ×ž×™×•×—×“×™×. Bear in mind that Rashi and Tosfos understand that the פטור בית ×”×›× ×¡×ª is driven by the criterion of ownership (based on this understanding of the second בית*ך*, as per Tosfos 44a). [Please see as well the comment in the "Description" of this shiur on this page.] TC
Author: Teacher Reply
Thanks for reaching out! Nowadays, even city shuls typically have a defined membership and therefore can be characterized as having ×‘×¢×œ×™× ×ž×™×•×—×“×™×. Bear in mind that Rashi and Tosfos understand that the פטור בית ×”×›× ×¡×ª is driven by the criterion of ownership (based on this understanding of the second בית*ך*, as per Tosfos 44a). [Please see as well the comment in the "Description" of this shiur on this page.] TC