- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
Masechet Sanhedrin 5a: The laws of a יחיד מומחה לרבים, can he judge alone cases of theft, debts? Must he receive permission from the ריש גלותא? Is his ruling valid according to Torah law or only on a Rabbinic level? Does the יחיד מומחה have the full status of a Court of three Judges? Can he impose himself upon the litigants against their will? What happens if the יחיד מומחה errs in judgement? Is he liable to compensate the wronged party? These and other q's will be addressed. In the laws of שררה (authority), which שררה is superior, that of the ריש גלותא, or that of the נשיא סנהדרין בארץ ישראל?
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