Dear rabbi, I listened to your shiur and it was very informative however between minutes 40-41 you quoted that Rav Osher Weiss says about the minag that benei Torah have to not call their friends wives by their first name stupid!!??? I can’t believe such a thing do u have a mekor for this?
Title: Quote from Rav Osher Weiss!!!
Author: Mark Hanan
Dear rabbi, I listened to your shiur and it was very informative however between minutes 40-41 you quoted that Rav Osher Weiss says about the minag that benei Torah have to not call their friends wives by their first name stupid!!??? I can’t believe such a thing do u have a mekor for this?
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by Francine Lashinsky and Dr. Alexander & Meryl Weingartenin memory ofDr. Alvin M. Lashinsky, Avraham Moshe ben Meir Hakohen, z"l on the occasion of his yahrzeit on the 19th of Kislev, and in honor of their children, Mark, Michael, Julie, Marnie and Michelle, and in honor of Agam bat Meirav Berger and all of the other hostages and all of the chayalim
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Author: Mark Hanan
Dear rabbi, I listened to your shiur and it was very informative however between minutes 40-41 you quoted that Rav Osher Weiss says about the minag that benei Torah have to not call their friends wives by their first name stupid!!??? I can’t believe such a thing do u have a mekor for this?
Author: Mark Hanan
Dear rabbi, I listened to your shiur and it was very informative however between minutes 40-41 you quoted that Rav Osher Weiss says about the minag that benei Torah have to not call their friends wives by their first name stupid!!??? I can’t believe such a thing do u have a mekor for this?