Yevamos Shiur#33 YCQ

Ask speaker
November 26 2019
1h 26min 59s

Venue: Yeshiva of Central Queens Yeshiva of Central Queens


Collections: R' Schachter YCQ Yevamos

References: Yevamot: 93a  


Can one acquire an object, that has not yet come into the world? Can one hand over a get, prior to the marriage? Can one rent out space, if tenants are currently occupying it? Can one back out of agreeing to marry someone? When does one get a mi she'parah? How do neder and shavua differ? Can a wife decline her husband's support, and thereby retain her salary? Is any language good for a neder? Do we own our bodies or our slaves? Can one sell fruit that has not yet grown? Can one flip a sale, before even buying the object? Can a get that works after thirty days, function, if it was destroyed before thirty days? Chumash-Toldos: Was Esav's wife, Machalas, wicked? Does marriage always forgive one's sins? Why does a chassan wear a kitel? Fast?

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    1. Title: Re: Yevamos Shiur
      Author: Isaac Wolhendler

      כבוד הרה"ג וכו' מו"ה צבי שכטר שליט"א Good Evening I have recently listened to a lecture by Rabbi Hershel Schachter (Yevamos Shiur #33 YCQ). Therein the Rabbi quoted a Sach that one can rent out space even if tenants are currently occupying the space. Regretfully he did not say where in Chosen Mishpat the Sach is. I would greatly appreciate if the Rabbi would get back to me with the information where I can find this Sach Best Regards שבת שלום ומבורך Isaac Wolhendler

    2. Title: Re: Yevamos Shiur
      Author: Isaac Wolhendler

      כבוד הרה"ג וכו' מו"ה צבי שכטר שליט"א Good Evening I have recently listened to a lecture by Rabbi Hershel Schachter (Yevamos Shiur #33 YCQ). Therein the Rabbi quoted a Sach that one can rent out space even if tenants are currently occupying the space. Regretfully he did not say where in Chosen Mishpat the Sach is. I would greatly appreciate if the Rabbi would get back to me with the information where I can find this Sach Best Regards שבת שלום ומבורך Isaac Wolhendler

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