- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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In this Daf Yomi shiur for Masechet Berachot 4a-b, we will study a long and somewhat complex Aggadeta that touches on many aspects of piety and Divine service especially as reflected in the sublime Chassidus of Dovid HaMelech and his humility. We have much to learn from the Giants of early generations. In the latter part of the Daf we will study the debate between R' Yochanan & Reish Lakish as to whether the special קיום of attaching the blessing of גאל ישראל to the Amidah applies even at night. We will discuss why Moshe Rabenu declared כחצות, and why the Chachamim enacted that the latest time for Shema is midnight.
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