Daf Yomi Berachot 12b; the special changes in our Amidah during the 10 days of Teshuvah and are these changes indispensable?; the obligation to pray on behalf of someone else; the power of בושה in the process of achieving כפרה; How do we know that Shaul experienced בושה; Shaul's complaint; Dovid's complaint; empathetic suffering regarding the suffering of a Talmid Chacham; why introduce a verse from Parshas Balak into Kriyat Shema?; Why do we not recite that verse?; why are we permitted to recite less than a complete Parsha in the Kriyas HaTorah on a fast day? At the end of today's shiur we will learn about the debate over the Mitzvah of זכירת יצ"מ at night
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