- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
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Daf Yomi Berachot 30a, the difference between הביננו which is an entity of Tefilla made up of 7 Berachot and תפילה קצרה במקום סכנה which is one simple Tefilla consisting of one single Beracha. The latter is not a חפצא של תפילה; therefore having prayed a תפילה קצרה he will still be obligated to recite שמונה עשרה when he is out of danger. The need for this 'bare-bones' petition to God is engendered by the dangerous situation which he finds himself in. We will summarize four categories of Tefilla. What does a person do if he's riding an animal, should he go down and stand on the ground to daven? How can he maximize his כוונה? In which direction should the מתפלל face?; Tefilla b4 Shema early in the AM?; סגל"ת verses תפילה בעמידה; Musaf ביחידות?
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