Daf Yomi Berachot 38b. We will begin the shiur with the new sugya at the bottom of 38a regarding the two possibilities of the formula for the Beracha on bread. An expert in Berachot should demonstrate a חידוש and recite a Beracha with a contested נוסח for the purpose of publicizing the final Halacha. We will study the Halachik categorization of types of vegetables regarding the possible 'lowering' of the Beracha due to the process of cooking the vegetable. We will learn about the negative impact of cooking on מצה. The Gemorah will record a story regarding Rebby Yochanan and the Beracha he made on זית מליח which has the same status as a cooked vegetable. Finally we will discuss the size of a כזית as the minimum שיעור for the final Beracha.
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