I listened to your shiur and you mentioned that you should not use these refuot at home. You alluded that the Shulchan Aruch also said these refuot only worked during the Talmudic times. I tried to find that citation on my own and couldn't. Would you please send it to me. Thank you.
Title: Refuot mentioned ion Shabbat 66b
Author: Gary Greene
I listened to your shiur and you mentioned that you should not use these refuot at home. You alluded that the Shulchan Aruch also said these refuot only worked during the Talmudic times. I tried to find that citation on my own and couldn't. Would you please send it to me. Thank you.
Title: Refuot mentioned ion Shabbat 66b
Author: Gary Greene
I listened to your shiur and you mentioned that you should not use these refuot at home. You alluded that the Shulchan Aruch also said these refuot only worked during the Talmudic times. I tried to find that citation on my own and couldn't. Would you please send it to me. Thank you.
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by Sigal Gottlieb and Lenny Moisein honor ofthe wedding of Temima Tova and Yedidya Moise and by Henry Silberman to mark the yahrtzeit of Julia Silberman, Yura Sheva bas Chaim Yosef Silberman and by Reuben Pludwinski in memory of his mother Itta bas Yehudah Leib a"h
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Author: Gary Greene
I listened to your shiur and you mentioned that you should not use these refuot at home. You alluded that the Shulchan Aruch also said these refuot only worked during the Talmudic times. I tried to find that citation on my own and couldn't. Would you please send it to me. Thank you.
Author: Gary Greene
I listened to your shiur and you mentioned that you should not use these refuot at home. You alluded that the Shulchan Aruch also said these refuot only worked during the Talmudic times. I tried to find that citation on my own and couldn't. Would you please send it to me. Thank you.
Author: Gary Greene
I listened to your shiur and you mentioned that you should not use these refuot at home. You alluded that the Shulchan Aruch also said these refuot only worked during the Talmudic times. I tried to find that citation on my own and couldn't. Would you please send it to me. Thank you.
Author: Teacher Reply
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Author: Teacher Reply
U2VlIFIgQWtpdmEgRWlnZXIgaW4gWW9yZWggRGVhaCBTaW1hbiAzMzY6MQ0KDQrXqNeR15kg16LX p9eZ15HXkCDXkNeZ15LXqCDXmdeV16jXlCDXk9ei15Qg16HXmdee158g16nXnNeVDQrXnteU16jX mSLXnCAo15HXnNen15XXmNeZ150g16nXkdeh15XXoyDXlNeh16TXqCkg15DXmdeq15Ag15XXliLX nCDXkNee16gg15zXoNeVINee15TXqNeZItecINeb15wg15TXqNek15XXkNeV16og16nXkdeb15wg 15TXqtec157XldeTDQrXkNeh15XXqCDXnNeg16HXldeqINeQ15XXqtedINee16nXldedINeT15DX mdefINeQ15PXnSDXmdeb15XXnCDXnNei157XldeTINei15wg16LXmden16jXnyDXldeb15kg15zX kCDXmdei15zXlSDXkdeZ15PXnSDXmdec16LXkteVDQrXldeZ15zXktec15LXlSDXotecINeT15HX qNeZINeX15vXnteZ150g157XnNeR15Mg15TXkCDXk9eQ15nXqteQINeR16nXkdeqICjXoSLXpCDX kdee15Qg15DXqdeUKSDXnteZINep15nXqSDXnNeVINei16bXnSDXkdeS16jXldeg15UNCtee15HX mdeQINee15DXldeq15Ug157XmdefINeoItecINee15DXldeq15Ug157XmdefINei16bXnSDXldeZ 16DXmdeX15Ug15zXlSDXotecINen15PXp9eT15Ug15XXmdeQ157XqCDXlNeb15kgKNeX15Mg15fX kyDXoNeX15nXqg0K15HXnNeiINeR15zXoiDXoNeX15nXqiDXl9eTINeX15MpINeV15TXnNeX16kg 15TXlteUINeR15PXldenINeV157XoNeV16HXlCDXnNeb158g15DXldeq15Ug15zXkdeTINee16rX mdeo15Ug15XXnNeQINep15XXnSDXkCcNCteZ15XXqteoINei15si15wuDQo=