- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
Masechet Eruvin Live 28, we will discuss the possibility of using Ma'aser funds to purchase fowl, since the latter although it is גידולי קרקע, yet they were not created from pure, unadulterated soil; we will disscuss the various categories of Torah prohibitions that are violated by the eating of different species; we will discuss the Halachik status of a variety of vegetation vis-a-vis the status of ma'aser funds, the proper Beracha, the status of טומאת אוכלין, and the validity to serve as a food for Eruv Techumin; some of these צמחים are immature and lack the categorization as גמר פרי, others are not fit for human consumption unless they are cooked
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