- Rabbi Ari Shvat (Chwat)
- Date:
- Duration: 47 min
Rav Kook's innovative explanation of the Talmud regarding Uriah's sin in rebelling against King David, also consciously deals with his opinion regarding the type of government which Machiach is meant to lead, where he clearly will not be a dictator, but also not a prime minister. Rav Kook clearly agrees with his rebbe, the Netziv (Devarim 17, 14-15), who wrote that the form of government, whether democratic or a king, must be according to the popular will of the Jewish people. There are clearly ramifications as well regarding the modern democratic State of Israel which Rav Kook saw developing after the Balfour Declaration and founding of the nascent Knesset Yisrael. For more on the future "Checks & Balance" system of the Mashiach, see also: https://www.yutorah.org/sidebar/lecturedata/956490/Y'rushalayim:-Uniting-Religious-Zionist-HumanistThe-3-Ideologies-of-MankindRav-Kook
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