- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
In this Halacha shiur for Parshas Balak we will investigate the issue of writing & sanctifying the Names Elokim & Yud Keh. Must the letters be written in sequence (KiSidran), or can the Yud be added after the other three letters have been written? Is the sequence critical? Should we be concerned about the possibility that the scribe will fail to add the final Heh & thus violate the prohibition of destroying the Holy Name? Assuming there IS a requirement of KeSidran, can this be fulfilled by the writing of the four letters of Hashem's Name simultaneously? We will study the Gemara in Yoma that mentions the expertise of Ben Kamtzar who was able to write all 4 letters of the Name simultaneously, & the Tchebinar who analyzes the KeSidran concept
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