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Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future and Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary presents

Avinu Malkeinu: Our Dual Relationship with Hashem
Teshuva & Our Relationship with Hashem
Serving Hashem through Ahavat Yisrael
Sukkot Insights

A Material Matter: Jewish Affluence in Contemporary Times
Exploring Materialism, Vanity & Frivolity in Kohelet
Tefillah Insights
Yom Tov Insights

Understanding Forgiveness
Yamim Noraim Insights

Faith, Providence and Human Initiative
Rosh Hashana Insights

Yamim Noraim Insights
The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy

Yamim Noraim Insights
The Power of Tzedaka

Focusing on Tefilla
Understanding the Teshuva Process of the Yamim Noraim

Special Symposium: From Tanach to American Democracy: Leadership in Transition

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Dr. David Horwitz - "R. Yohanan ben Nuri and the Unique Prayers of Rosh Ha-Shanah"
- Rabbi Zvi Romm - "The Failed Teshuva of Nineveh"
- Mrs. Shoshana Schechter - "The Purpose, Privilege and Paradox of Teshuva"
- Rabbi Gamliel Shmalo - "Ya'alu L'elef U'lerevava: A Poem of Rabbi Yehuda Halevi for Rosh Hashana"
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "The Fast of Gedalyah: The Measure of a Man"
- Dr. Ilana Turetsky - "Humility, Self-Efficacy, and the Teshuva Process"
Special Shemitta Supplement

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Reuven Brand - "A Serious Birthday Celebration"
- Rabbi Kenneth Brander - "U'Netaneh Tokef: Will the Real Author Please Stand Up"
- Rabbi Shlomo Drillman z"l - "Thoughts on the Concept of Tekias Shofar"
- Mrs. Chaya Batya Neugroschl - "Yom Kippur: When Less is More"
- Mrs. Deena S. Rabinovich - "And he saw the place from afar: Avraham's Journey to the Akedah"
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "In Every Generation"
- Rabbi Josh Flug - "Practical Halacha Supplement: A Practical Guide to Eiruv Tavshilin"

Individual Articles download
- Rabbinic Advisory Committee - "An Appreciation of Our Beloved Yeshivat Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan"
- Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm - "Repentance Beyond Sin"
- Rabbi Edward Davis - "The Delicate Balance in Creation"
- Rabbi Dr. Zalman Levine - "Of Fertility and Faith"
- Rabbi Dr. Alex Mondrow - "Teshuvah and the Psychology of Change"
- Rabbi Dr. Aaron Ross - "Is there a Mitzva to do Teshuva?"
- Rabbi Benzion Scheinfeld - "The Enigma of the Prayer Insertions of Aseret Yemai Teshuvah"
- Rabbi Ezra Schwartz - "The Minhag of Not Sleeping on Rosh HaShana"
- Rabbi Chaim Strauchler - "Our Voices for Our King"

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm - "Let There Be Light"
- Rabbi Reuven Brand - "The Yom Kippur Mikvah"
- Mrs Mali Brofsky - "Why Do We Read the Story of Chana on Rosh Hashana?"
- Mrs. Norma Mintz - "Sachar V'Onesh? Addressing Suffering as We Look to the New Year"
- Rabbi Zvi Romm - "Even Ephraim"
- Professor Penina Schram - "Telling Stories at Rosh Hashana: The Orality of Jewish Tradition"
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "It's the Thought That Counts"
- Rabbi Ari Zahtz - "Strategies for Transformative Teshuva"
- Rabbi Josh Flug - "Shabbat Table Discussion Special Insert: Admitting Mistakes"

Individual Articles download
- Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster - "The Shofar: A Tool for Dialogue"
- Rabbi Reuven Brand - "Knesset Yisrael: Beyond the Zebra Effect"
- Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman - "To Forgive is Divine, and Human: The Bilateral Obligation of Forgiveness"
- Rabbi Joshua Flug - "Repentance for Violation of Interpersonal Laws"
- Dr. Naomi Grunhaus - "Thoughts for Rosh Hashanah"
- Dr. Michelle J. Levine - "The Cognitive, Emotional,and Sensory Experience of the Yamim Nora’im: The Message of the Akedah"
- Rabbi Eli Ozarowski - "Eating before Tekias Shofar"
- Rabbi Michael Taubes - "On Teshuvah and Complete Teshuvah"
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "The Teshuvah of Yishmael"
- Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky - "Two Common Misunderstandings of Tekiat Shofar (Hebrew)"

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Azarya Berzon - "The Law of Invalidating Shtarot"
- Dr. Rivkah Blau - "2500 Years Ago Today"
- Rabbi Reuven Brand - "A Symbol of Freedom"
- Mrs. Atara Eis - "To the Infinite and Beyond: Attaining Taharah"
- Rabbi Josh Flug - "A Sign of the Times: Symbolism during the High Holiday Period"
- Cantor Sherwood Goffin - "On the Proper Use of Niggunim for the Tefillot of the Yamim Noraim"
- Rabbi Shmuel Hain - "Rosh Hashanah: The Call of the Shofar"
- Rabbi Norman Lamm - "Three Who Cried"
- Rabbi Yona Reiss - "When Was the Universe Created?"
- Mrs. Shira Siev Schechter - "The Promise of Teshuva"
- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner - "The Drama of Tashlich"

Individual Articles download
- Rabbi Reuven Brand - "The Mitzvah of Shofar: Who’s Listening?"
- Rabbi Daniel Feldman - "The Teshuvah Beyond Teshuvah"
- Rabbi Joshua Flug - "Rosh HaShanah's Role as the Beginning of a New Fiscal Year and How It Affects Us"
- Rabbi Shmuel Hain - "Aseret Yemei Teshuva: The Bridge Between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur"
- Cantor Sherwood Goffin - "The Music of the Yamim Noraim"
- Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer - "Selected Minhagim of Rosh Hashana"
- Mrs. Daphna Fishman Secunda - "The Personal and Collective Journey to Har haMoria"
Ahavas Yisroel
Flushing, NY
Boca Raton Synagogue
Boca Raton, FL
Bnei Akiva Schools
Toronto, ON
Baron Hirsch Synagogue
Memphis, TN
Cong. Ahavas Achim
Highland Park, NJ
Cong. Beth Aaron
Teaneck, NJ
Cong. B'nai Israel – Ohev Zedek
Philadelphia, PA
Cong. Kehilath Jeshurun
New York, NY
East Denver Orthodox Synagogue
Denver, CO
Kemp Mill Synagogue
Silver Spring, MD
Ohr Saadya
Teaneck, NJ
The Jewish Center
New York, NY
Young Israel of Century City
Los Angeles, CA
Young Israel of Hollywood-Ft Lauderdale
Hollywood, FL
Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst
Cedarhurst, NY
Young Israel of Scarsdale
Scarsdale, NY
Beth Jacob Congregation
Beverly Hills, CA
Cong. Adat Yeshurun
La Jolla, CA
Cong. Anshei Chesed
Linden, NJ
Congregation Beth Israel
Berkeley, CA
Congregation Beth Sholom
Lawrence, NY
Congregation Beth Sholom
Providence, RI
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun
Teaneck, NJ
Congregation Keter Torah
Teaneck, NJ
Congregation Ohr HaTorah
Atlanta, GA
Congregation Shaarei Tefillah
Newton Centre, MA
Darchei Noam Glenbrook
Northbrook, IL
Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach
Atlantic Beach, NY
New Toco Shul
Atlanta, GA
Riverdale Jewish Center
Riverdale, NY
Sherith Israel Nashville, TN
Young Israel of Great Neck
Great Neck, NY
Young Israel of New Hyde Park
New Hyde Park, NY
Young Israel of New Rochelle
New Rochelle, NY
Young Israel of Potomac
Potomac, MD
Young Israel of Teaneck
Teaneck, NJ
Young Israel of West Hempstead
West Hempstead, NY
Young Israel of Woodmere
Woodmere, NY
Young Israel Talmud Torah of Flatbush
Brooklyn, NY
Young Israel of West Hartford
West Hartford, CT
Adas Yeshurun Herzlia
Winnipeg, MB
Aish Thornhill Community Shul
Toronto, ON
Beth Jacob Congregation
Oakland, CA
Beit David Highland Lakes Synagogue
Aventura, FL
Beit Tzion- Mizrachi Bayit
Toronto, ON
Congregation Agudath Shalom
Stamford, CT
Congregation Ohab Zedek
New York, NY
Freehold Jewish Center
Freehold, NJ
Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
Riverdale, NY
Mount Kisco Hebrew Congregation
Mount Kisco, NY
Shaarei Shomayim
Toronto, ON
Yavneh Academy
Paramus, NJ
Yonatees Custom Printing
Miami, FL
Young Israel of Staten Island
Staten Island, NY