2010-02-22 JH 16 - The contemporary scandal

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February 22 2010
1h 33min 39s

Venue: YU Israel YU Israel


Collections: Rabbi Rakeffet: Jewish History 2009

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    1. Title: Rabbi Tropper vs. Rabbi Elon
      Author: Larry Heller

      <p>I have been listening to your shiurim for many years. I have always found you to present things in an unbiased fashion.</p> <p>However, your two recent lectures where you mention Rabbi Elon and Rabbi Tropper have very different tones.</p> <p>You refer to Rabbi Troper as a "menuval" yet refer to Rabbi Elon's actions as a mistake.</p> <p>Without infering any guilt on any of the parties. It would apear to me that rabbi Elon's actions are the work of a sick menuval who is a real discrace to society and who should be tarred and feathered for molersting and abusing innocet victimes in the sickest of ways, vs. Rabbi Tropper who simply couln't control his NORMAL desires with another consenting adult.</p> <p>How exacly was Rabi Elon a mistake and Rabbi Tropper a menuval.</p> <p>Thak you for your clarificaltion.</p>

    2. Title: demand a response
      Author: Marty Finklstein

      <p>we demand a response a explanation a apology!!!</p>

      Author: Marty Finklstein


    4. Title: Point of Shiur
      Author: Larry Heller

      <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 7.5pt;">There were some valid points, as always that Rabbi Rakeffett brought out, which should not be confused with the Elon Case.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 7.5pt;">People are human, and not infallible, and there is not such thing a papal infallibility in Judaism.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 7.5pt;">However, justifying in a way shape or form sick, despicable behavior as a mistake is wrong. A mistake when you make a poor judgment. Someone who is intelligent who knows what the torah says, and sickly molests innocent kids and acts as a sexual pervert should be striped of his position, publicly humiliated and executed. What kind of sick, gay, ANIMAL molests innocent boys! - and in a rabbinical position no less?</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 7.5pt;">There is no greater chilul hashem or lower form of a human, sicker than a NAZI if that&rsquo;s possible. </span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 7.5pt;">This goes without saying, that what I&rsquo;m saying is talking about a person who has committed such despicable acts, which R' Elon has not yet been found guilty of.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: Verdana; color: black; font-size: 7.5pt;">Maybe what would have been a better shiur was discussing emunah in our Rabanim regardless of what we hear and to be Dan Lkaf Zechut until we know otherwise. But to acknowledge that sicko, menuval &amp; Nazi like behavior is a mistake - no way!!</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

    5. Title: Intellectual (dis)honesty
      Author: Moshe Hammer

      <p>For all his talk about intellectual honesty, and bashing the"artscrollization" whereby they "cover-up" what they dont want ppeople to know.</p> <p>How is that different that calling a sexual pervert masqurading as a rabbi, who sexually molests his victims a mistake?</p> <p>I think it's easy to be intellectually honest about things that dont impinge on you personally. Yet I think we see from this lecture that intellectual honesty goes out the window when it hits close to home.</p>

    6. Title:
      Author: Marty Finklstein

      <p>Moshe- Couldn't say it better myself. His only saving grace is if he in the next shiur admits his "mistake" in the way he discussed the elon issue...</p>

    7. Title:
      Author: richard plotzker

      <p>I did not know much about this particular episode or Rabbi Tropper.&nbsp; However in the world of frum America we have Rabbi Lanner of a few years back and Dov Hikind being deluged when he asked children and their families to contact him.&nbsp;</p> <p>And of course we have the ongoing tale of the Catholic priests, the Psychiatry Chairman of Harvard getting his medical license revoked for inappropriate relations with a patient, and in my home state of Delaware a pediatrician undergoing proceedings for unprofessional conduct of this type.</p> <p>These are not really mistakes as Rabbi Rothkoff suggests but scandalous conduct that people maintained despite awareness of impropriety, issues of personal compulsion aside.&nbsp; Like Rabbi Elon and many of the priests and perhaps Rabbi Lanner and the Delaware doctor, the reports that prompted action were generally not the first reports but an inability or unwillingness of supervisory people with personal relationships to the problem individual to pull the plug on the conduct early.</p>

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