- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Mishna Brurah Yomi
Venue: YU Wilf Campus
- Duration: 39 min
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Why is there no issur of yichud with ones wife who is a nidah? What is the nature of the issur of yichud between a chassan and kallah, before they have biah? How does one do eirusin and nisuin today? When does a kallah need to start covering her hair? Why does the heter meah rabbanim require three different locations? Does a borrower have to pay back a lender, when the lender lost the contract? At what point in time were women not brought to the beit hamikdash to be tested with sotah water? Can a beit din hagadol function outside of Jerusalem? Why are synagogues rectangular? Why does the father stand beside the mohel at the time of the bris of his son? Chumash:Teruma- the sanctity of a synagogue is similar to the beit hamikdash/mishkon.
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