A piece from Rav Tzvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook about nevuah (prophesy) and chochma (Torah learning). The Torah is a perfection with two aspects - the Written Torah from shamayim (Heaven), and the Oral Torah which is built by us. There are three places where the halacha, as received by Moshe, cannot be reconciled with the Written Torah. The Written Torah is like a father, while the Oral Torah is like a mother. All that the world could be is contained within Knesset Yisrael - the collective total body of the Jewish people from all generations. How do we deal with the contradiction regarding 'an eye for an eye'? Is it an eye that is taken, or is it monetary compensation? The Written Torah is like a father who presents a fearful threat, and the Oral Torah is like the mother who asks for a compassionate consequence. Hashem entrusted the Chachamim (Rabbis) with the Oral Torah, to carry out the punishments of the Torah. When there is a separation between the two aspects of the Torah, there is only misery and destruction.
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