In our study of Hilchos Pesach we want to analyze the verse: על מצות ומרורים יאכלוהו, which establishes the Mitzva of Marror. The verse seems to indicate that Maroro is not an independent mitzva but rather an accompanyment to the Korban Pesach and would not be binding without the Korban Pesach. This would explain why the Ramban omits Marror from his count of the 613 Mitzvot. Why then is Matzah counted as a separate Mitzva? Apparently whereas Maror is not a mitzva independent of Pesach, Matzah is. Why the difference? Does Marror require a כזית? If so, why? We will study the insights of Reb Chaim Brisker to depend the Rosh against a barrage of objections. Finally is Matza with Pesach the same as Matza on its own?
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