Give examples of damage that is not seen, and is one required to pay for such damage? When do rabbis forbid shogeig atu maizid? Why can one not slaughter into a river? Is maris ha'aiyin: a biblical or rabbinic prohibition; prohibited even when no one is watching; prohibited even on rabbinic prohibitions; only in examples cited by the gemara? Why is it prohibited to put on a fan on shabbat? Give an example of a gezeira l'gezeira, and a shvus d'shvus? Can a shochet slaughter and have in mind that it not be a kosher shechita? When does one bring a karban chatas and asham talui?
Chumash-Teruma: What is a mikdash m'at? Is the kedusha of a synagogue biblical? How does the synagogue differ from the Beit Hamikdash? Why we dress up on Yom Tov?
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