Halacha for Pesach: before & during the Seder, the fast of the first-born males, what must be completed for a Siyum? How does a Siyum work to end the fast? The preparations for Pesach: cleaning the house, baking the Matzot, what goes into the חרוסת? What do these ingredients symbolize? Work on Erev Pesach. Why a Kittel? Preparing the Seder Plate before the time for the Seder. Karpas, Maror, age of the child for Chinuch for Matzot & the four cups. How much to drink? Grape juice? Rinsing out the cup between each drinking. He forgot to recline. May we drink for cups? How many Matzot must we eat? שלימות ופרוסות. Why do we eat a broken Matzah. How much Matzah do we eat? May we eat less Matzah for the Afikoman?
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