- Rabbi Ally Ehrman
- Date:
- Duration: 38 min
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Author: Nathan Ledereich
Thank you so much for this Schiur. I remember in one of the last pieces of Meschech Chochmo in Vesoss Habrocho the Medresh om Moische Rabbenu: Ma kan oimed umeschamesch af schom oimed umeschamesh. Rabbenu Meier Simche says: every Jid is called a Hoilech till he dies. Becuase he goes from Madrego to Madrego till he dies. In Oilom Habo he is called a Oimed because he cannot achieve any higher Madregos anymore. Moische Rabbenu was a Oimed in this wolrd already , since Kabolas Hatorah. Besed on this Hagdomo sefer Schmois. At least 40 years i had the question on this Meschech Chochmo, if Moische Rabennu was not able to sin anymore since Kabolas Hatorah, then how was the sin of Mei Merubo possible? My only explaination is, that the Averoh of Mei Merubo was not a sin in the sense of Jetzer Horah, but a mistake in Schikuil Hadas, a mistake in judgement, thought. The Meschech Chochmo himself learns by Mei Merubo, to explain according to Rav Josef Albo (Sefer Akedoh) the event in this sense. But doesnt mention any of his Mehalech of the befre mentined Hagdomo. Kol Tuv Naftuli Ledereich
Author: Nathan Ledereich
Thank you so much for this Schiur. I remember in one of the last pieces of Meschech Chochmo in Vesoss Habrocho the Medresh om Moische Rabbenu: Ma kan oimed umeschamesch af schom oimed umeschamesh. Rabbenu Meier Simche says: every Jid is called a Hoilech till he dies. Becuase he goes from Madrego to Madrego till he dies. In Oilom Habo he is called a Oimed because he cannot achieve any higher Madregos anymore. Moische Rabbenu was a Oimed in this wolrd already , since Kabolas Hatorah. Besed on this Hagdomo sefer Schmois. At least 40 years i had the question on this Meschech Chochmo, if Moische Rabennu was not able to sin anymore since Kabolas Hatorah, then how was the sin of Mei Merubo possible? My only explaination is, that the Averoh of Mei Merubo was not a sin in the sense of Jetzer Horah, but a mistake in Schikuil Hadas, a mistake in judgement, thought. The Meschech Chochmo himself learns by Mei Merubo, to explain according to Rav Josef Albo (Sefer Akedoh) the event in this sense. But doesnt mention any of his Mehalech of the befre mentined Hagdomo. Kol Tuv Naftuli Ledereich
Author: Nathan Ledereich
Thank you so much for this Schiur. I remember in one of the last pieces of Meschech Chochmo in Vesoss Habrocho the Medresh om Moische Rabbenu: Ma kan oimed umeschamesch af schom oimed umeschamesh. Rabbenu Meier Simche says: every Jid is called a Hoilech till he dies. Becuase he goes from Madrego to Madrego till he dies. In Oilom Habo he is called a Oimed because he cannot achieve any higher Madregos anymore. Moische Rabbenu was a Oimed in this wolrd already , since Kabolas Hatorah. Besed on this Hagdomo sefer Schmois. At least 40 years i had the question on this Meschech Chochmo, if Moische Rabennu was not able to sin anymore since Kabolas Hatorah, then how was the sin of Mei Merubo possible? My only explaination is, that the Averoh of Mei Merubo was not a sin in the sense of Jetzer Horah, but a mistake in Schikuil Hadas, a mistake in judgement, thought. The Meschech Chochmo himself learns by Mei Merubo, to explain according to Rav Josef Albo (Sefer Akedoh) the event in this sense. But doesnt mention any of his Mehalech of the befre mentined Hagdomo. Kol Tuv Naftuli Ledereich