Ownership in Halachah Listen now

Listen to Rabbi Berman's shiur petichah for Bava Metzia in the YU Beit Midrash

Remembering Rav Kook Browse the shiurim

Mark the yahrtzeit of Rav Kook this week by learning his Torah and getting an appreciation of his world-view.

Blowing Shofar in Elul Browse the shiurim

Wake up from your slumber and prepare for Rosh Hashana with lessons and laws of blowing the shofar in Elul.

Elul on YUTorah Browse the shiurim

We find ourselves in the period of time of "Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li," when we prepare for the Teshuva of the Yamim Noraim. Learn more about the customs, laws and lessons of this sacred, final month of the year.

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